18. Mai 2021

What is this freeze-drying, actually?

We would like to explain this to you briefly and concisely.
Also affectionately called Lyophilisation in technical jargon. Surely you have seen laundry drying in freezing conditions or observed freezer burn in the freezer: these are the little freeze-dries of everyday life.

But we don't hang our fruit on the washing line. It is washed after harvesting and deep-frozen. When frozen, it is vacuumed, which creates a negative pressure. Just at that moment, an exciting physical phenomenon takes place: The water escapes from the frozen fruit in the form of steam.

What remains is crunchy fruit in its original full glory. Thanks to the gentle process, the fruit still contains its valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, own aroma and full flavour. By the way, after drying, the fruit has lost an average of 90% of its original weight – quite a crash diet!

A great invention – don't you think? In addition, the fruit has a very long shelf life due to the reduced water content.

We love to snack on the crunchy fruit in muesli, on a cake for mummy, in a dessert, in a smoothie, in a lemonade, as a topping in a salad or in countless other moments: it is always a complete pleasure. Or simply as a snack between meals. The perfect fruit treat at any time of year.

It is best to store the fruit away from air or moisture. This is because it is hygroscopic and can reabsorb its released water, after which it is no longer crispy.

Our fruits are lovingly covered in the finest chocolate or a cocoa coating. This protects and keeps the fruit crispy at the core.

Snacking in a special and healthier way!

Summer crunch pleasure for every moment.
Now, unfortunately, it wasn't so close after all, but we still have one last, final side fact for you: The process has its origins in a name that could pass for a tongue twister: freeze-drying in the pharmaceutical industry – although everyone is bound to have drunk instant coffee at some point, also a very well-known freeze-dried product.

In any case, we are instantly in love with our crunchy fruits.
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